Often you may find it hard to seek help because you are worried that people may see you as a less capable “parent”, and you may put pressure on yourself to cope for longer than you are able to deal with your issues.
Parenting is one of the most researched areas in the field of social science. Raising a happy and a healthy child is one of the most challenging and the most rewarding job a parent can have. Yet many of us don’t approach parenting with the same focus, we just act on our gut reactions or just use the same parenting techniques our own parents used, whether or not these were effective parenting skills.

Whether it’s your own health behaviours or the way you treat other people, your children are learning from what you do. “This is one of the most important principles,” Laurence Steinberg explains, the author of Ten Basic Principles of Good Parenting.
Good parenting is about helping our children from developing anxiety, depression, eating disorders, antisocial behaviour, alcohol and drug abuse or any such health problems. The most vital concern in parenting is with all aspects of children’s growth and development and that your child does not suffer from any illness or health issues. But, have you ever wondered how a disease starts? Why does a disease keep repeating itself? I have heard people saying disease is a mistake or something that went wrong in the body. According to Merck’s Manual, the definitive medical dictionary, over 95% diseases have an ‘unknown cause’.
In this workshop, using advanced modalities you will learn:
- The complete process of disease and healing,
- Are the causes of diseases or illnesses unknown or do they happen all of sudden?
- You will learn what the symptoms actually tell you,
- You will learn about the body’s intelligence and self-healing,
- You will learn how your beliefs and thoughts can help you in your parenting.
- You will learn few tools & techniques to help you cope with parenting,
Who is this workshop for: This is a one day workshop is for parent’s with kids (above 8 years of age).