The NES miHealth is a powerful hand-held biofeedback device that is non-invasive and effective for reducing and releasing stress and re-educating energy flow in the muscles, nerves, organs and other targeted areas of the body. NES miHealth removes negative patterns in the body and activates the body’s own innate healing system. NES miHealth uses frequencies which naturally occur in nature for optimum effect and as stress is released, energy can flow properly and the body can revert back to its optimal state.

In a recent study conducted by researchers they assessed 251 subjects along 367 data points, meaning they explored the effects of stress release on many parts of the body. In that study, 88 percent of participants benefited from their very first NES miHealth treatment. Additionally, the researchers noted that the rejuvenating effects of NES miHealth were compounded in the second and third sessions. Patients reported an increasing trend toward wellness with every NES miHealth treatment.
NES miHealth has shown such success in studies and practitioner experiences as it employs two unique technologies: Global Scaling Frequencies and Informational Patterns of Energy.
The NES MiHealth addresses acute and chronic situations in the body and has applications covering physical, energy, mind, well being, protection, personal transformation and other specialist areas.
Book an introductory session for more information on NES miHealth