Emotional Freedom Technique tapping works by balancing body’s energy system.
EFT roots are in acupuncture, kinesiology and psychology. Research reports a typical success rate of 80-95% for many conditions. EFT can dramatically relieve emotional disturbances along with many physical symptoms. It usually works in minutes, its results are long lasting, and side effects are none.
Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) was developed by Gary Craig around the early 90’s and continues to be refined by many people to this day. EFT originated from TFT (Thought Field Therapy) which was discovered by Dr Roger Callahan.
“The cause of all negative emotions is a disruption in the body’s energy system”.
Our bodies have current and connections all over and we as humans run on an intricate energy system which is required to live and survive. Negative emotions and pain occurs when energy gets stuck. Energy trapped in nerve channels run through those parts of the body. This is why we feel different emotions in different parts of our body. The result takes the form of emotional disturbance like nervousness in our stomach, stress in our shoulder, fear in our hands, etc or physical symptoms like pain, headaches, and medical issues that are related to the emotions. EFT provides relief from the majority of these disturbances.
It has been observed that EFT relieves symptoms by an unusual tapping on meridian points with finger tips while focusing on the problem, a release in the flow of energy through the meridian system takes place clearing the physical or emotional pain being worked on by resuming the normal function. EFT gives permanent results in most cases, while in other cases the process needs to be continued. The symptoms can be reduced or eliminated by just repeating the process.
EFT can help many different issues but Gary Craig’s idea is “Try it on everything”.
EFT can be used for:
Many case histories have shown great improvements or total healing from:
- Negative Emotions
- Food Cravings
- Reducing and Eliminating Pain
- Addictions – Alcohol, Tobacco, Cigarettes
- Anxiety and Panic Attacks
- Compulsions and Obsessions
- Depression, Sadness, Grief & Loss
- Anger Management
- Stress Management
- Restoring life’s balance
- Fears and Phobias
- Traumatic Memories
- Abuse Issues
- Confidence, Self-esteem/image/worth (Personal Development)
- Fibromyalgia
- Childhood Trauma
- Abundance Issues
- Family Issues
- Relationship Issues
- Birth Trauma
- Pregnancy
- Limiting Beliefs
- Weight Loss
- Eating Disorders
An many many more…

The EFT tapping techniques is a fast and easy process that can help just about anyone to achieve freedom from emotions and physical pains that have created problems in their lives.