Tobacco and lung health Every year, on 31 May, the World Health Organization (WHO) and global partners celebrate World No Tobacco Day (WNTD). The annual campaign is an opportunity to raise awareness on the harmful and deadly effects of tobacco use and second-hand smoke exposure, and to discourage the use of tobacco in any form. The focus of World No…

The recent suicide of a 17- year old girl who set herself afire due to alleged harassment by her boyfriend has once again highlighted the spurt in teen suicides in the city and the country. While nobody can deny the rising pressure on students and young professionals today, some cases have prompted people to question whether children are simply losing…

What is Addiction? “A condition of having no control over a particular substance, thing, or activity is called Addiction”. An addiction is anything we do to avoid feeling discomfort or emotional pain. When we feel depressed, anxious, or otherwise uncomfortable we humans tend to turn to something to make us feel better. It is a state of being dependent on…

Alcoholism (Alcohol Dependence) involves all the symptoms of alcohol abuse, but also involves additional factor such as Physical Dependence – Tolerance and Withdrawal. If the individual relies on alcohol to function or feels physically compelled to drink, then he is an alcoholic. Alcohol abuse generally refers to people who do not display the characteristics of alcoholism, but still have a problem with it. They are not…

Many people have been there: After a night of one too many martinis, you wake up with a pounding headache and crippling nausea. The hangover has plagued mankind since drinking began, with records of the phenomenon dating back to ancient Egypt. Despite the hangover’s long history, its exact causes are still being parsed out. “The question is: What’s causing the…

Gender may influence which emotions drive heavy drinkers to drink, and how they feel the next day, according to new research. But the study also showed that neither men nor women who drink heavily effectively drown their sorrows with alcohol. “Some people say they want to use alcohol to improve their mood, and that’s not what we found happening,” said Valerie…

Washington 6th May 2013 Scientists claim to have found evidence that cigarettes are a gateway drug to marijuana. US researchers randomly selected incoming college students from two universities – one in the North-West and one in the Midwest – to participate in the study. Students were interviewed prior to entering college and again at the end of their freshman year regarding…

By Lisa Respers France, (CNN) — Bravo to you Robert Downey Jr. The actor has successfully transformed his life from a man fans once feared would lose his life to substance abuse to a megastar who also happens to be a devoted husband and father. Gone is the wisecracking playboy daredevil and here now is a witty man enthralled with…

For most people, marriage is an enriching experience. Yet we all know couples that are deeply…